
"Thoughts Are Things and Words Have Power"

That's a phrase that our Priestess says, and the ring of truth is sometimes louder than bombs!

Bear reads this here blog.. Keeps him up on things i'm certain. He mentioned the last post and my desire to have one of those push blade mowers. Yep, I would. I think they are awesome! Little Bear mentions that the neighbors who moved from the house directly behind us left one in their backyard.

Holy cow batman! Really? Well, go get it boy! And so he climbed the fence (no one lives there at the moment) and he lifted it so Bear could grab it and drag it over.

- It's a Craftsman too! -

It cuts! It really... really cuts! There are some minor adjustments that Bear is hopeful he can fix, but i'm proud that we may have free-cycled a tool that would only be tossed, ending up in the landfill. It still has life, and I hope we can use it. *happy earth-lovin' dance*

5 hoots and hollers:

barefoot gardener said...

Oh, how cool is that!

Mutableblue said...

What a great find! WTG Little Bear!

and thanks for the new link...glad you are back blogging!

Wendy said...

Thanks for coming by my site! So glad you like it.

That is a great find! We do have a push mower, but bought it new. Although, free (and ready for the trash) is so much better.

I do love our mower. The sound it makes is so soothing. Really. It's almost like a meditation to cut the grass.

Imperatrix said...

Yes! Great find. It's so much quieter than gas/electric models. And the Consort finds that if he's using ours and someone we know walks by, they are much more likely to stop and have a chat. If you use a gas mower, they'd just wave and move on.

Em said...

Thanks for checking on me and for visiting! So nice to hear from you.

And congratulations on the cool mower! Very earth friendly and economical.

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