Sunday was our full blow gardening day. Holy hell... it was exhausting, though satisfying. We were up early and had breakfast before heading out to the garden center. Of course we had to begin our garden with starters so the price was a bit higher, but nothing unbearable.
~Blushing Beauty Sweet Pepper~
I am sore in places I didn't know existed. I know that sounds a bit wussy, but I do not apologize. In fact, the back of my THIGHS are demanding the apology to which I will do no such thing. They deserved the work out from hell. It's what they get for being so out of shape.
~The Herbal Area - All are medicinal plants...~
I have been reading what I can get my hands on. The books that were recommended by you guys will not come easily as we are broke and there is a line of holds at the library. Oh, i'm on there... I just don't know if i'll get them in this growing season.
We were in bed by 8:30 pm and up at 4:30. I had a load of clothes on the line and the dishes washed before 5:30 because I feared I wouldn't get back up if I sat down. My thinking was on the money. Little Bear kept banging on the front door when he could have gone around to the side - and when I finally got the the door, he got a nasty surprise when I chewed him out for making me walk across the house. The nerve!
~Ever-bearing Strawberries~
~The snow peas to the back and the far left are cabbages~
I'll post more in time, but at this moment, I am satisfied and please with the results. Here is a run down of what we planted:
Basil (spicy and genovese)
Lemon Balm
Lemon Verbanea
Garlic Chives
There will be more transplants from our Priestess next week, some of which will be:
and a few others that I can't recall since my brain is fried today.
6 tomato plants (4 Roma & 2 Yellow Pear)
Sweet Banana Peppers
Patty Pan Squash
Sugar Snap Peas
We have a tiny space left and may be able to fit another veggie in there but it's not looking promising. By choosing the patty pan squash we lost some space because they have to be spaced out so far, but darnit! It's my favorite squash!
Ignore my babbling. I am so tired today. Walking in to the bank and 2 stores this morning was something closely resembling torture. Yeah, there's that wussy talk again. I'm off to lay in the recliner and read. Poor Bear is at work hurting as well. He is sunburned yet again. We're a couple of old babies today! Whaaaaaaaa.... :~)
8 hoots and hollers:
That garden looks fab!!!
Are you planting lettuces? We find that we pay for the cost of putting in a garden in the lettuce and tomatoes that we don't have to buy from the market.
I also suggest Purple Thai Basil (for next year). Mmmm.
Now, it sounds like time for a nice hot soak in the tub for your sore muscles! ;-)
I second the lettuce suggestion. They are so easy and satisfying to grow.
The back of my thighs always burn for a couple days after any kind of gardening where I must bend over for stretches. I always forget that it will happen, too. You think I'd learn by now!
Thanks guys! It was well worth the pain really, but dangit it sure hurts!
Bear and I looked for lettuce there (yesterday) but didn't find any. We are thinking about hunting it down this weekend somewhere else.
Any suggestions as for type of lettuce?
Oooh, your garden looks fabulous!\
I agree with the lettuce thing. You wouldn't believe how much better home grown tastes!
I usually go with Black Seeded Simpson and Buttercrunch lettuces (a loose-leaf and a bibb), and then whatever other lettuces strike my fancy that particular day. Buttercrunch is wonderful! I just mix all the lettuce seeds together, and broadcast them over wherever I want to grow my lettuce. Then I get a good mix of different lettuces in each salad. Last year I dumped all my lettuce seeds in a salt shaker I found at the thrift store for $.50 (it had large holes) and just shook that over my lettuce bed.
Also, if you run out of room in your garden, lettuce does really well in pots. You could put one outside the kitchen door (even an old ice cream bucket would work, or an old large bowl) so that you could pick fresh salads right before meal time. That would give you the added joy of being able to keep the lettuce out of the heat....that way it won't go bitter or bolt so fast in the heat.
The coolest thing about lettuce is that it grows so fast from seed that you can just keep harvesting and planting more as the plants go bitter.
I was going to suggest lettuce, too. It's easy. It grows quick and thick, and if you companion plant it around some taller growing vegetables, you'll have an edible weed block :). We have so much lettuce in our 4x4 bed we could eat a salad twice a day, and by the time we got to the other side of the bed, the stuff at the beginning would be ready to cut again. Highly recommended, and yummy, too :).
Your garden looks fabulous, though!
Oh, I didn't see what you'd replied. Don't buy plants. Buy seeds - mesclun mix grows really FAST! Seriously fast. I planted the lettuce and the peas at the same time (I think), and I don't have peas yet (although the plants are doing well), but we've been eating lettuce for about two weeks.
I recommend the leaf lettuce over the head lettuce - grows fast and is more nutritious than than head lettuce.
Love, love love garden pictures!! Yours looks fab! And I feel your pain after planting. My oldest and have been painting fences for two weeks in the humidity! Arg!
I like the lettuce idea too. I usually plant Black Seeded Simpson and some romaine types. I like the romaine because it is crisp. Any lettuce will come again if you cut them off above the soil line when you harvest. I have some that I plowed under that have returned again! The never ending salad!
Your garden looks great! I think that we will finally benefit from my garden this week. We have around 20 green tomatoes right now.
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