
Man, I Screwed Up!

While changing the template, I did something that caused all of my blog rolls to go bye bye. Blogs that I have been reading for a long time will be no problem... It's the recent additions that I will probably pull my hair out over!

What a screw up.... *pout*

8 hoots and hollers:

Em said...

I've made the same error in the past. I wish I had just a bit more understanding of all that html stuff. But I'm too lazy to figure it all out. LOL

barefoot gardener said...

Oh, that stinks! Still, the new look is really cute if that helps any.

Mysti said...

Em - It stinks. It really, really stinks. *sigh* That's what I get for not doing a back up. My stupidity.

Barefoot - Yes em, it helps.. but I am just pulling my hair out trying to remember all the new blogs I added. I can't seem to remember their titles well enough to Google them. *beating head on desk* Oh well, hopefully i'll find some good NEW ones for my reading pleasure..and of course, I always have you guys. :)

Unknown said...

I am sorry that it happened. I wish that these templates were easier to mess around with.

Lisa said...

Bummer. The new look is great though. So pretty and easy to read.

Wendy said...

I LOVE your new look! It's gorgeous!

Unknown said...

I just changed my template and did the same thing! As soon as I hit save, I realized what I had done :(

Mysti said...

Thanks Wendy! I think it's a wee bit sweet myself. :)

Summer Fae - It's nice to know i'm not alone. It's frustrating as all get out!

template by suckmylolly.com